Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Winners For April Challenge 2020


Please Follow the new blog 

Here are the winners for our April Challenge # 4 Our Birthday Challenge

Wow there was so many gorgeous projects this month made it very hard to choose the winners.


Have you made the Winners circle Video this Month?
Click on Smilebox arrow, wait for download, watch and enjoy


Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Please take note I have given the challenge it's own email address please use the new one 
starting this challenge 

All winner that have won images for prizes please choose from these images for your prize 
then contact Michelle at 

April  Winners

1st Prize Winner

1st Prize = Collection From JMC Designs Pluss Certificate and Badge 

Nelida NO 377

2nd Prize 

2nd Prize = 3 Digital Images Of your choice from The Paper Shelter  Pluss Certificate and Badge

Lori P No 295

3rd Prize

3rd Prize = $6.00 Voucher to Lemon Shortbread Online Store  Pluss Certificate and Badge

Margas Place No 200

4th Prize 

4th Prize = $6.00 Voucher from Di's Digi's Online Store  Pluss Certificate and Badge

Marie B No 153

All The Other Prizes will be from Goha Digital Stamps 1 image per winner plus 
Certificate and Badge

DT Favourite Winner

Wins One image, Certificate and a Badge

Please choose from These images for you prize 

Michelle's DT Favourite Winner 

Aimeslee W No 217

Chrissy's DT Favourite Winner

Misplaced Mojo No 175

Tracey's DT Favourite Winner

Chris No 188

Hester's DT Favourite Winner

Kleido No 20

Maritza's DT Favourite Winner

Congratulations No 212 

Julie's DT Favourite Winner

Rosina No 46  

Jackie's DT Favourite Winner

Margaret No 2 

Joy's DT Favourite Winner

Carol G No 53

Monique's DT Favourite Winner

Astrid No 350

Highly Commended Winners:

Wins one image, Certificate and Badge

Please choose your image from the Picture bellow 

Anet No 142

Carol J No 125

Tip Top No 94

Creativele No 54

Priya No 26

Best Technique Winners 

Wins one image, Certificate and Badge

Please choose your image from the Picture bellow 

Leslie T No 127

Aunty Sue No 363

Craftarista No 294

Susan s No 99

AJ No 62

Special Mention Winners: 

Special Mention Winners: 
Wins One image, Certificate and Badge

Please choose your image from the Picture bellow 

Marryann Scrap No 17

Ingunn No 1  

Wendy B No 161

Shona H No 369

Jennifer G No 357

Please take your Certificates they will now be put on the blog in each winning section for you just to take so you will not have to contact me if you have just won a certificate and a badge you will only have to contact me if you have won a image 

Please contact Michelle to claim your Digital image prizes, on email:
You must advise the Challenge Name, Category won, your name and entry number.


  1. How nice that I became Monique's Favorite. Ladies congratulations.

    Stay Safe.

    Hugs, Astrid.

  2. thank you so much for the top 3 nominatie!
    everybody congrats

    greetings Marga

  3. congratsssssssssssssssssssss ladies great cards

  4. Un immense merci pour le choix de ma carte avec mention spéciale.
    Je suis très honorée et j'affiche le badge avec grand plaisir.
    Félicitations à toutes les gagnantes.
    Prenez soin de vous...

    A huge thank you for choosing my card with special mention.
    I am very honored and I display the badge with great pleasure.
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    Take care of yourself...

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you for selecting my card as the 2nd prize winner! Congrats to the other winners too! Stay safe, and enjoy your day. xx

  6. Thanks so much for giving my card a special mention, I've been struggling with my mojo a bit recently and this will give me a boost. Hugs, Shona xx

    1. Congrats Shona
      Thank you for joining in and glad we could help with your mojo

  7. Thank you so much for choosing my mixed media bottle on best technique winners. You make me very happy. I am grabbing the badge to proudly display it on my blog. Hugs from Greece, my dear ladies. Mia (Craftartista)

  8. Oh my!Really? Thank you so much!!!!
    Congrats to the other winners!!

  9. THank you to Joy for choosing my card as your DT favourite and congrats to all the other ladies
    Carol x

  10. Thanks SO MUCH for picking my Dudley TP card for your 4th place winner! That was a fun one to make. Congrats to all the other winners in every category! :)

  11. Congrts to all the winners and mentions, and big thanks to Michelle for choosing my card as your DT Favorite! XXO

  12. It is made with only a few simple ingredients, has no added sugar, and has a cocktail-like texture. Since it is acidic by nature, you should keep in mind that it can cause irritation to the throat and stomach. Half-fill a medium-sized glass with ice. Combine water, cranberry juice, and apple cider vinegar in a large mixing bowl. If desired, add a fresh citrus fruit. This detox drink recipe is simple to create, low in calories, and beneficial to gut health. Visit:


Thanks for your comments and for supporting this challenge!

Classic Design Challenge #03-2025 Mar/Apr - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Bunnies, Blooms or Butterflies

  ************************************************************************ You can find Winners and Top Picks from last challenge by visitin...