Winners and Top Picks!

The Randomly Drawn Winners for Challenge #06-2024 (Jun/Jul 2024)

Winner 1 - #19 Paper Whims

Winner 2 - #145 Judy V.

YAY!  Congratulations Paper Whims and Judy! Please contact Hester within 14 days to claim your prize:

The Top 5 Picks, chosen by the Design Team are:

#1 Christine N.

#35 Bernadet

#52 Kitty

#98 Susan S.

#216 Nancy E.

Congratulations Everyone, your designs were wonderful! It's always a difficult task choosing Top Picks - there were so many inspirational projects shared.

Please take your badges and display proudly on your blogs for a job well done!


  1. Thank you so much! I have sent Hester an email.

  2. I'm delighted that my journal pages were chosen as one of the Top 5 for this challenge. Thank you so much and congrats to all. xx Nancy

  3. What a great suprise the my card for Hans is into your top 5.
    Thank you so much!!

  4. Congrats to the winners! Thanks for the challenges. Have a fabulous day! Hugs, Gloria


Thanks for your comments and for supporting this challenge!

Classic Design Challenge #07-2024 Jul/Aug - Anything Goes with Optional Twist: Summer Holiday / Vacation

  You can find Winners and Top Picks from last challenge by visiting the Tab Above or HERE . Now on to the Challenge! Theme is Anything Goes...